Welcome to Our university

University Of Zielona Gora is more than just a place to get an education.

Global leadership in education, scientific research, production and investment of knowledge by managing a system that supports innovation in order to achieve sustainable development to serve society.


On the other hand denounce with rigteous indignation dislike.


On the other hand denounce with rigteous indignation dislike.


On the other hand denounce with rigteous indignation dislike.

Welcome to

University of Zielona Gora

The University of Zielona Góra is an educational, research and service institution that embraces innovation and qualifies graduates, both intellectually and professionally, who are able to support the national economy, compete in the labor market and serve society in accordance with global developments.


Our Academics Programs


We offer a unique experience to our graduate students, including the opportunity to work with leading academics.


We offer a unique experience to our graduate students, including the opportunity to work with leading academics.

PhD Program

We offer a unique experience to our graduate students, including the opportunity to work with leading academics.

0 K+
Graduate Students
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Academic Programs
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University faculties
0 K+
Total Students


What Says Our Students

<p>Erasmus in Bielsko-Biala is a great opportunity for students coming from both the EU area and non-EU areas. As an Erasmus student coming from Turkey/Karabuk, I chose ATH (University of Bielsko-Biala) because of the location. When I arrived there for first </p>

Diego Alejandro

<p>I fell in love with Bielsko-Biala from the very first day of my arrival. It was as if I set foot in a magical city, hidden a great distance from where I lived. The city covered with lush forests was full of tranquility with the sound of birds chirping.</p>

Miguel Angel

<p>I remember the day of the Erasmus’ exam as if it was yesterday. In addition to it, I will not forget the day of preference. I wrote the best option for me in Poland which is Bielsko-Biala.</p> <p> </p>

Hasrul Hisham

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    Why Choose Us

    Library & Research

    The University Libraries and Learning Technologies consist of the Main Library and the Rare Book and Special Collections Library.

    Best Environment

    Campus environment refers to the set of environmental factors that influence students' learning experiences in international educational institutions. To create a safe and supportive learning environment.

    Expert Teachers

    The University of Zielona Gora includes a selected group of the most qualified teachers who are experts in various educational subjects to chart your path towards the future.

    Shaping the Future

    zielonagora University, we are moving boldly - and concertedly - to expand tomorrow's frontiers. We believe that we have the power to shape the future, for the better


    Our Expert Teachers

    Pion Rektora

    Pion Rektora

    Nauczyciel historii
    Paul Croves

    Paul Croves

    English Teacher
    Ricardo Spencer

    Ricardo Spencer

    English Teacher
    Marko Dugonji

    Marko Dugonji

    Physics Teacher

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